Life after Uganda: What USP taught me
One month ago, I stepped off of a plane into the unfamiliar familiar land of America after living in Uganda for three months. I left Uganda hopelessly heartbroken and incredibly weary as to what to do next. While I am the biggest work in progress alive, I (slowly but surely) have been finding restoration and have gained a greater sense of who I am as well as who I would like to become. It can be extremely difficult trying to reintegrate back into “normal” life after living a completely different type of normal for an extended period of time. Here’s a little update on my life outside of Uganda: It was only a few days into my reintegration process that I was able to land a part-time job at fast-food restaurant. Please do not ask me how it happened because I still do not know how I was able to get a job after only a few days back in the states. I was instantly thrown into a situation that felt like it was way over my head, but remained surpris...