Capturing feelings
I have been doing a lot of self-reflection on our emotions. Instead of trying to coherently dissect all of my thoughts on this topic, I will let my poetry speak for itself. Before I share, I feel like I need some type of disclaimer. I don’t actually believe that I’m a poet; rather, I see myself as merely someone in conversation with the voice of creativity and these are the results of our dialogue. The motivation between writing these two poems came from two different places, but I will let you decide how they speak to you. Emotions I Why do you tell me, Do not be so sad? Does it make me weak, An apple gone bad? The pain is of me, Which must make me mad. Can I not be both, Happy and, too, sad? Why do you tell me, Do not be afraid? I know that this fear, Can make me a slave. But sometimes it shouts, Till it fades away. Can I not be both, Happy and afraid? Why do you tell me, Do not be angry? Maybe i...