My spirit has had a rough couple of weeks. There are no words to describe the extreme,
mixed range of emotions that have been swirling through my heart. It has surely been a tough time for me in
ways that very few people can understand.
But there is more to the story than my grief alone. While I am by no means over the entire
situation that has exploded in my life one week ago, I cannot look back on my
experiences in Uganda
without feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I am tremendously thankful for so many people
and experiences that I have been able to have over the past three months. It is through this gratitude that I am slowly
finding healing and hope for whatever the future may hold. I have created a very short list of my “thankful moments” for you to be able to
experience a small tinge of the great joy I was able to find in a tiny country
called Uganda.
- The coolness of
rain at night
- My clients
teaching me to carry a baby on my back
- Dinner
conversations with Emma and Alvin (and sometimes Timothy)
- Dance parties
until midnight
- Movie marathons
until early morning
- Sunshine after
- An absolutely
amazing supervisor, who acted more like a role-model
- Colleagues that
made work feel more like fun
- Challenging
classroom discussions
- A program staff
that deeply cared for its students
- A dorm hall full
of the best women around
- Lois’ sweet smile
- Agape Wednesday
- The Honor’s
College/USP retreat
- The ability to be
vulnerable in front of my clients
- The “Emilia effect”
- Celebrating life
with friends
- Alvin’s caring spirit
- Surprise soapy
showers for belated birthday wishes
- Experiencing Kampala with trusted
- Talking in song
- Dancing with my
- Aeden asking, “Are
you happy?”
- Friends who
express gratitude for my life
- 7:00 am sunrises
and 7:00 pm sunsets
- Random
- Hilarious moments
of miscommunication
- 45 minute car
rides on bumpy Ugandan roads
- Wednesday morning
glory at 6:15 am
- A group of friends
who understands my experiences
- Quick trips to
- Emma’s laundry
- Practicing the art
of presence
- Plane rides with
endless movie entertainment
- Finding wholeness
in broken places
- Worship on
- Exploring the
exotic terrain of Uganda
- The refreshing
mist of waterfalls cooling my skin
- Standing 20 feet
from massive hippos
- Learning the art
of using latrines
- Stella’s dress
making skills
- Packages filled
with memories of home
- Staying up late
for pillow talk
- Kato’s cakes for
morning cravings
- Cool showers on
sweaty days
- Enoch’s talkative
- Weekend retreats
- Tea time with
- Living with less
as a means to gain more
- Nature’s air
conditioning during the stifling heat
- Laughter amidst
painful endings
- Strong hearts for
the weary of spirit
- Gaining confidence
- Lynn’s sweet insights
- Family who
supports me from a distance
- Friends who wipe
away the tears from a broken heart
- Feisty moments
with bodaboda drivers
- Meeting inspiring
ex-pats who are doing it right
- A rambunctious
little sister who loved to be with me
- Friends to survive
“the plague” with
- Benjamin’s
faithful heart
- A beautiful campus
to call home
- Guest appearances
on “The K Show”
- Being pinched,
poked, and stroked by a sea of children
- Holding babies…so
many babies
- Jesus’ presence in
- The cold,
refreshing taste of soda from glass bottles in the heat of the day
- Fresh fruit from
the side of the road
- People who
recognized my presence and wanted to share with me in it
- Letters from a
dear friend
- Lawrence’s polite demeanor
- Making a fool of
myself running away from the despised Honor’s College cat
- Teaching to and
learning lessons from my clients
- Being forced to
think creatively and live with flexibility
- Learning how to
take life less seriously and enjoy moments with those around me
- The singing voices
of girls in the shower
- A woman who kept
our living space so tidy
- Soap and the art
of washing hands
- The impromptu
nomination to participate in a debate…and winning
- Having a friend to
stand up with in front of an entire church congregation as the pastor searched
for our husbands
- Gaining more than
field experience, but a lifetime of lessons
- Children coming
into the office to greet us every three hours
- The sweet smile of
a child with his two missing front teeth
- Friends with
different perspectives on life
- Belonging to a
- Sunday morning
worship services
- Mealtimes filled
with family members
- The women in the
bag room who began to recognize me
- Jamming to the
radio during in-office days
- Drivers who became
- Smiles and
laughter shared with friends
- Living for three
months in one of the most beautiful places on earth
My trip was made more financially affordable thanks to the
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (!
I do not own all of these photos.
I do not own all of these photos.
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